
a paper that says "probate" and a gavel sat next to it

How to Select an Executor

  Are you thinking about drafting your will and working on your estate plan? Is this causing you to weigh your choices when it comes to naming an executor? When it comes to identifying the person whom you want as the executor of your estate, you will want to grant this duty to an individual […]

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African American woman with questions

Questions to Ask Before Meeting with an Estate Planning Attorney

Prior to making an appointment with an estate planning attorney, ask yourself a few questions to come prepared to the meeting. If you don’t know the answer, come with prepared questions for your attorney. Doing this will ensure the best use of your time and money. What makes up my estate? Your estate consists of […]

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women wearing many hats stacked on head

Your Executor Must Wear Many Hats

When you write a will, one of your most important decisions will be whom to appoint as the executor, responsible for carrying out the terms of the document. It is not a casual choice. Executors play a crucial role in ensuring your wishes are implemented faithfully and efficiently. The ideal candidate would bring a combination […]

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African American couple signing documents

Managing an Estate During Probate

Executors have a high level of responsibility for as long as the probate process drags on — which can even be years in some cases. Your main objective? Prevent estate assets from being damaged or depreciated. You must make decisions based on the best interests of beneficiaries and creditors. Any investments you make should be […]

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