irrevocable trust

Living Trust and Estate Planning papers

Do You Need a Trust?

  According to the 2023 Wills and Estate Planning Survey by, only 34 percent of Americans have an estate plan. The primary reasons respondents gave for not participating in estate planning are: Procrastination Believing they need more assets Not knowing how to make an estate plan An estate plan is a comprehensive set of legal documents […]

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older couple with document and attorney

Understanding How a Medicaid Trust Works

As we age, we may become more concerned about how we will pay for our own or our spouse’s long-term care needs. With rising costs of nursing home and in-home care, your hard-earned money could be wiped out completely in as little as a few months. Estate planning techniques can utilize irrevocable trusts like Medicaid […]

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African American woman with questions

Questions to Ask Before Meeting with an Estate Planning Attorney

Prior to making an appointment with an estate planning attorney, ask yourself a few questions to come prepared to the meeting. If you don’t know the answer, come with prepared questions for your attorney. Doing this will ensure the best use of your time and money. What makes up my estate? Your estate consists of […]

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older couple signing documents

Protecting Your Money From Medicaid

The elderly may find themselves facing financial ruin in their later years. Fortunately, there’s Medicaid, but in most cases, they have to spend down almost all their savings — money they may have spent their entire working lives amassing. Fortunately, if you are careful and work far in advance, there are ways to legally protect […]

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Key with words inherited property

Four Ways to Pass Your House to Your Children

Your home is probably your most valuable asset. You are clear about whom you want to end up with it when you die. If you’re a parent, you want your kids to inherit your home. Ensure that your wishes become reality. Among available options are including your home in your Will, transferring your home to […]

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