
a colorful toy house with a tag that says "probate" on it

Understanding Probate in Connecticut

When people find that they are facing Probate court, they can become anxious. Probate is the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person. The probate process is overseen by the probate court and shall be handled by an executor or administrator appointed by the court. This process can seem complex and intimidating. […]

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Living Trust and Estate Planning papers

Do You Need a Trust?

  According to the 2023 Wills and Estate Planning Survey by, only 34 percent of Americans have an estate plan. The primary reasons respondents gave for not participating in estate planning are: Procrastination Believing they need more assets Not knowing how to make an estate plan An estate plan is a comprehensive set of legal documents […]

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a gavel sitting next to a folder labelled "probate law"

Help for When You are Facing Probate

Probate can sometimes be a long and confusing process. When a person passes away, their estate may go through this process called probate. An experienced probate attorney can help guide you through this confusing process, which can extend for a long time. What happens when there is a will? There are plenty of reasons to […]

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African American woman with questions

Questions to Ask Before Meeting with an Estate Planning Attorney

Prior to making an appointment with an estate planning attorney, ask yourself a few questions to come prepared to the meeting. If you don’t know the answer, come with prepared questions for your attorney. Doing this will ensure the best use of your time and money. What makes up my estate? Your estate consists of […]

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people arguing and pointing

How to Deal With Estate Litigation

Death is just the beginning. When a loved one passes, navigating through the probate process can dredge up unresolved emotions and family conflicts, all intensified by grief. As survivors find themselves rehashing the past, the settlement of probate can ignite long-buried resentments. If the parties have been looking for a fight for years, probate unleashes […]

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African American couple signing documents

Managing an Estate During Probate

Executors have a high level of responsibility for as long as the probate process drags on — which can even be years in some cases. Your main objective? Prevent estate assets from being damaged or depreciated. You must make decisions based on the best interests of beneficiaries and creditors. Any investments you make should be […]

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