
business people sitting at a conference table

Planning to Announce Your Retirement

  As your career winds down, you may be making plans to announce your retirement. To be gracious and considerate, give enough notice to enable your employer to find a suitable replacement. The amount of time depends on the nature of your job and your level of seniority. The more expertise you bring and the […]

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two people in beach chairs sitting on the beach in front of the sunset

Retiring Early Requires Planning

Retiring early is a goal for many people. However, according to findings from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research, the average age of retirement has risen to 65.7 years old for college-educated men, 62.8 years old for college-educated women and around 62 years old for people whose highest level of education is a high […]

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woman sitting at a table looking at a laptop with hand on her head

New Career versus Retirement Job

If you are nearing retirement age, you may require extra determination and energy to switch to a new career. While fellow retirees are making travel plans or enjoying additional family time, you may choose to continue to keep working. The question becomes, should I start a second career or take a “retirement job” instead.   […]

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a miniature house next to a mortage calculator paper surrounded by coins

Qualifying for a Mortgage With Retirement Income

It used to be difficult for retirees to borrow, buy, or refinance a mortgage because lenders insisted on seeing their current income – the kind you get from having a job. Thankfully, Freddie Mac has guidelines for lenders that helps them use retirement funds to qualify borrowers for a home loan. When your loan is guaranteed […]

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a toy house sitting on top of money

Buying a Retirement Home With Cash

Maybe you have just sold your home and you are ready to buy your retirement home.  Perhaps you are purchasing a second home where you will eventually retire. Either way, you have enough money to pay for your retirement home in cash. But should you? Here are few issues to consider: You will tie up […]

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